Sunday, November 22, 2009

Preview Tutorial Chapter 2

Asslammualaikum dan salam sejahtera....

Maaf ye minggu ni terlewat beagi preview untuk tutorial 2...sakit2 badan neh..
banyak aktiviti...

ok kita trus ke soalan2...

1. Light is a wave...jadi wave nie die bleh ape???
spt yg sudah kita bljr gelombang (wave boleh)....diffract....lagi cari la ye sendiri.....

2. two monochromatics light waves that are coherent???......
coherent = ????

3. rumus phase difference = (2m + 1)(pai)<-----sori tak bleh tulis dlm btuk notasi math
rumus path difference = (m + 1/2)(lamda@pjg gelombang@wavelength)
cari la ye berdasarkn rumus yg dh diberi...

4. no empat ni buat la ye sendiri nanti sy semak...

5. Derive equation....must have diagram for Young Double slits and derive lah....

(b) Y = m(lamda)D/d cari la ye...
(c) (delta)y = (lamda)L/d cari lagi......

6. (a)Dark = destructive
so use equation, 2nt = m(lamda) m = ????? (minimum thickness????)

(b)non reflective coating = constructive interference...

7. destructive
2t = m(lamda)

8. (a) Draw and explain....tgk nota....

(b) use Newton;s Ring equation....pastu buat simultaneous equation (persamaan serentak)

9. Cari....

10 & 11 okey cari jawapan yang lain2 ye.....

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